Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I edited the Photoshop picture I did on PicMonkey. It is a cool website, but I don't like how they charge you to use some of the features.

Friday, May 2, 2014


The Digital Design gang is all hanging out in Mermaid Cove!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Are You My Mother?

New Kid Nick has lost his mother... Will He ever find her? I don't know! I made this movie trailer on Windows Movie Maker. It was very user friendly and fun to use. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014


These are just some of my favorite pictures. I couldn't really tie them together so I decided to whisper Pineapple at the top. I like Ribbet. It was cool and had a lot of neat things you could do to your pictures.


My last name! these were just pictures that either represented me or I thought they were cool! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Cable Scholarship


In a world that is constantly growing in technology, keeping up is important. My phone is probably the most important technology I own.  It is amazing. My cell phone is a portable computer. I can put it in my pocket and get on the internet whenever I want. I do not have to worry about it getting wet because the phone itself is waterproof. I use it during class sometimes when I want to research something. Some of my teachers even communicate with me through text and e-mail. I also use my phone for fun. I have games, music, YouTube, and I can text my friends all from the little device in my pocket.
I saw a quote from Mitchell Kapor saying “Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant”, which I agree with completely. I use the internet for both an information source and a tool to waste time. When I use it for an information source, I will Google something and fifty plus pages of answers come rushing back at me. It is a great resource but also an over stimulant. There is a joke saying “If it is not on the first 2 pages of my Google search answers, it does not exist.” No one can look through that much. But at least it is there for us to use.
For me personally, my cell phone does not control my life. I know some teenagers, who, their cell phones dictate everything they do, which I also understand. Having so much power in your hand is amazing. I am a huge fan of social media. It is probably not healthy. Whenever I get bored I can just flip my phone on and get on Facebook or Twitter. That is probably why I love my phone the most. That, and I am a HUGE fan of music. I can put all my music on my phone and have it right there. I have an app called Slacker, which is a portable radio station. If I do not have the song on my phone that I want to listen to and I cannot find it on Slacker, I can go to YouTube and look it up. I listen to music constantly so having this ability is so wonderful for me.
I also watch movies on my phone! I have the Netflix app so if I do not have anything to do, I can entertain myself with a movie or a TV show. These things are just what I use when I am bored. I have read books on my phone before of I e-mailed my teachers or my school when I had a question about something. And I haven’t even gone over phone calling or texting! At my dad’s house, we do not even have a home phone system anymore. Everyone in my family owns a cell phone so it is cheaper for us to just have our cell phones in case we needed to get a hold of each other for some reason. My parents can call me or text me anytime, even if I am not at home.
The world is changing. Everything is revolving around technology and it is truly amazing. My most important piece of technology is my cell phone, but I have so many items around me and all of it is so important and useful. Technology is amazing in every way.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


This is my favorite movie! Stand By Me is an older movie but it is still great. I quote it all the time. Stand By Me by Ben E. King is also my favorite song so I put the music video link on there where Wil Wheaton and River Phoenix star in it. Good job Rob Reiner.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Jedi Ameteurs

Light saber project. We are not Jedi masters. we are still in training. but don't those light sabers look great!?

Friday, March 28, 2014


This is my flyer for the A.R.T. Legacy Car Wash made on LucidPress
And here is the invitation. It's a black tie event only.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Photostory

Cats that look like Male models. I just thought these pictures were kind of funny so I made my photostory about them. I edited all of them in some way. When I pulled this picture off of the internet it was in filmstrip form so I had to crop each picture out of the big one individually. It was weird. The song is the one I made! I hope you like it.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Colorbent Logo

 This is the color replacement tool. I thought the irony of the Boston RED Sox having no red in their logo was entertaining.
 This is their original logo with Navy Blue and Red
This is the Desaturated version with only red put back into it. Not too different than the navy blue, but still.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mosaic Maker

This is my Mosaic maker. The picture with the glasses is a reoccurring theme with my blog. I like it. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Photoshop

Under the Sea, Under the Sea Bruce is hungry and sees grandma Julie hanging out down there. The boat that stole Nemo is up there at the top. Disregard the velociraptor. He is just chillin. Grandma Julie originally went down there trying to find the buried treasure hidden there. Does she find it? I'll let you decide. Meanwhile, the many clownfish and Dory are looking for the scared Merlin. It's a party. 

oh, also. Where's Waldo?


Thursday, February 13, 2014


             My First photoshop attempt. Can you tell the tree is fake? 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Elements of Design



Future Predictions

2020: Click and print designer clothes at home“Currently there is a lot of overenthusiasm about 3-D printing. Typically where people are prematurely very excited it leads to disillusionment and a bust, like the dot.com crash. I think we’re about five years away from the really important applications. By the early 2020s we’ll be replacing a significant part of manufacturing with 3-D printing. We’ll be able to print out clothing and there’ll be an open source market of free designs. There will be personal 3-D printers, but also shared ones in your local Starbucks, for example.” 

I think this would be really cool! Virtually free clothes, and you can pick whatever you like. It would be super awesome. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


This is my BOMOMO! It was my favorite one I made. I just sat there and watched it go and thought it was cool! 

Friday, January 24, 2014

QR Codes

This QR code is for Pinterest. I am addicted, I love it.

 This QR code is for Netflix. I love movies and so I am on Netflix a lot.

This QR code is for my blog! Ha! I needed a third website so why not? 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Google Glass

 I think that Google Glasses are going to be the topic of a lot of debates. Of course students won't be able to use them in school, people can't use them while driving. They will be really cool play things but I don't think people will be able to wear them all the time like some people think. A hands free way of communication is cool, but a lot of people are going to be lenient on the intrusion Google Glass will bring to their lives. I would have a pair, sure. But I would not be wearing it constantly like the commercial shows.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Tagxedo


A Wordle of most of the shows that I have been a part of while at North. Not all of them, but most. 


I live right by where the Blockbuster on Johnson Drive used to be and I walked there all the time as a kid. This video was really funny because it was not that long ago that they were open. The one by my house closed down like a year ago. Blockbuster isn't a museum quite yet. 

My Doodle

This was my favorite Doodle I saw! It told basically the whole story of Where the Wild Things Are then when on to show some more stories written by this author. This Doodle was on Google June 20th, 2013 for Maurice Sendak's 85th Birthday.I thought it was cool, It was like a little video!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Get To Know Cassie

Hello! Welcome. The reason why I have gathered you all here today is to tell you a little bit about myself and my blog. I am a Senior at Shawnee Mission North and I am super excited for college. Even though I don't where I am going or what I want to do... At North I am involved in the Drama Department and Choir mainly. I am on Thespian, Choir, and NHS exec boards. I am a member of A.R.T. (Advanced Repertory Theatre. Not Art class. I can't draw at all.) I am also in Pep Club but then again... isn't everyone? Anyway! I like to think I am pretty exciting. I joke around a lot and I sing all the time. Um, what else... I love movies. And Footie Pajamas. If we ever hang out, we will probably end up watching the movie Hot Rod, in footie pajamas, drinking tea and eating my favorite food POPCORN. Sound good? Awesome! We will get a long great!